Anderson Rise Retreat offers families affected by serious illness and disability a chance to refresh, recharge and reconnect with each other at our secluded Phillip Island location. Enjoy our farm animals, Kilcunda Rail Trail tracks & more – free of charge to eligible families.

Providing an unforgettably special time to your family in this difficult time.

Farm Friends
Anderson Rise is home to a of handful of unique animals – Rak and Raan , our two Camels, D1 and D2 our miniature Donkeys, Ratbag and Pumpkin our two miniature horses, and finally our three cows – Huey, Duey, and Loiue!!

With 2 bedrooms and a central lounge & kitchenette, this wheelchair-friendly property offers access onto the deck overlooking the property and Westerport Bay.
Get away from it all and make lasting memories together.