Anderson Rise Retreat offers families affected by serious illness and disability a chance to refresh, recharge and reconnect with each other at our secluded Phillip Island location. Enjoy our farm animals, Kilcunda Rail Trail tracks & more – free of charge to eligible families.


Relax and enjoy the comfort of staying at the main Home, with its spacious three bedrooms, two lounge areas, workspace, large kitchen, meals area and laundry facilities.

Providing an unforgettably special time to your family in this difficult time.

Farm Friends

Anderson Rise is home to a  of handful of unique animals  – Rak and Raan , our two Camels, D1 and D2 our miniature Donkeys, Ratbag and Pumpkin our two miniature horses, and finally our three cows – Huey, Duey, and Loiue!!


Whether you are relishing in some quiet family time, or seeking a place to rest and recover from illness, our Bungalow is perfect for healing and respite care.

With 2 bedrooms and a central lounge & kitchenette, this wheelchair-friendly property offers access onto the deck overlooking the property and Westerport Bay.

Get away from it all and make lasting memories together.